debugging for Xumo
Appserviceid Gateway
We are assuming that you already have a Xumo account and your device fully set up.
Open a browser on your PC and type in (ip address of Xumo):8090 in your address bar and hit enter.
Now, we can debug the app very easily in the 2 ways below, though both will just end up displaying the same screen.
First is by opening the popup using the arguments button, the second is by opening the popup using the debugger button.
Xumo launch with arguments button
Go to the Installed Apps section and click on “Launch app with arguments”.
Same thing as before - we will specify the environment we want to launch (otherwise it will launch Prod). Type in { “url”:”ctv endpoint specifying the environment” } in the Arguments tab.
Click on the Debugging tab. Click on “Enable Debugger” and select “WebInspector” for the Debugger Type.
Then click on the Launch button.
The app will launch and so will a new window in your browser with the debugger.
We can right click on any call and then either “Save file” (which will save into a text file) or “Export HAR” to save the log.
xumo launch within debugger button
Go to the Installed Apps section and click on the “Launch app within debugger” button.
The same overlay will appear now that we saw before - except we land on the Debugging tab first, so if we want to specify a different environment to test we will then need to click on the Arguments button and specify that environment. Before this we need to make sure we are selected the WebInspector option as the debugger, not default.
After you click on the Launch button, the app will launch (again, if we didn’t specify an environment in the Arguments tab then the Prod version will launch) and a new window in your browser will open with the debugger.
Click on Network in the menu now to get the network traffic then right click on any call and then either “Save file” (which will save into a text file) or “Export HAR” to save the log.