debugging for Xbox Part 1


Connecting to the Xbox

The initial steps are the same ones we use to install builds on Xbox where we first have to enable dev mode, then sign into our dev account, and finally connect to the Xbox by entering the address displayed in the bottom right corner in the Remote Access section.

Xbox Device Portal

Now when we land on the device portal, there are 2 ways we can monitor traffic:

HTTP Monitor


We will first show how to use the HTTP Monitor since it is much easier than proxying and using Charles.

HTTP Monitor

Select the HTTP Monitor tab and then start testing the app we want and debug. We should immediately see traffic appearing for the app (config, screens, video player calls, etc).

If you click on a call you will be able to see the body by clicking on “Body” on the right hand side.

We can also save the log if we select “Save to file”. However you cannot view this file with Charles or Fiddler - you will only be able to view it using Sheets.