debugging for Vizio


Connecting to the Vizio

Since the latest Vizio OS update, most people will not see the green Vizio SmartCast App Launcher on their TV anymore. We first need to launch the app on our Vizio to begin debugging:

On your PC, go to

Enter the IP address of the Vizio (found under Menu -> System -> System Information -> Network Information).

Click on the Start Pairing button (you may see a Privacy Error in your browser at this point if you haven’t done this before so click on Advanced and then the Continue link).

You’ll see a Not Found page so just close this tab and go back to the launcher.

Click on Continue.

Enter the IP address of the Vizio again and click Start Pairing.

On the Vizio, you’ll see a 4 digit code appear at the top so enter the PIN on the launcher and click on Pair.

Now we enter the web app URL and click on Launch.


Again, we won’t be able to see the link that we used to see on the Vizio SmartCast App Launcher anymore so we need to do the following:

In your browser’s address bar, type in http://(vizio IP address):9555.

A SmartCast App Development page will load so right click on the devtools link and open in a new tab.

Vizio app traffic

Now we can select the Network tab and then start testing the app we want and debug. We should immediately see traffic appearing for the app (config, screens, video player calls, etc).

If we right click in the tab we can select “Save all as HAR with content” then type in a name for our log and append with “.har” so that it can be opened in Charles Proxy afterwards.

When we open the log in Charles, we can drill down through the calls we’re interested in to view the info for the requests and responses.