debugging for Roku Part 1
Roku brightscript for eclipse
This first method is probably easier than using Charles - it uses Eclipse. We’re going to assume that you already have Eclipse set up and the Roku in dev mode (since you had to install builds previous to this). To be able to get traffic for the Roku apps, we will have to add the Roku debugger plug in to Eclipse.
Open Eclipse.
Select Help from the menu and then “Install New Software”.
Copy and paste into the “Work with” field.
Click on Add.
Name this “Roku Plugin” and click on OK.
Select the checkbox next to Brightscript and click Next.
Click Next again.
Accept the license agreement and click Finish.
Restart Eclipse.
connecting eclipse to the roku
With the Roku and PC on the same network, click on Open Console at the bottom right of the Eclipse app.
Select “Roku Debug Console”.
Enter the IP address of the Roku into the Roku IP field and hit enter.
Eclipse logs
Launch your app and you should see the Roku app traffic start appearing in the Console tab.
You can just ctrl-A and ctrl-C in the Console tab to copy all text then paste that into a text document and save it.