installing builds on LG Part 2



With the updated LG instructions there’s 2 ways that we can install apps: one way is via CLI only. The second way is via Visual Studio (which also requires the CLI).

For method 1, go to and download and install the CLI app on your computer.

For method 2, we need the CLI in addition to downloaded and installed.

We also need to sign up for a developer account, install the developer mode app on our LG TV, and make sure our TV and computer are on the same network.

Launch the developer mode app on the LG TV, sign into the account you just made, and enable dev mode status by clicking on the toggle.


Create webOS_TV_SDK directory in any spot then place the CLI directory unzipped under the webOS_TV_SDK directory.

Open command prompt as an administrator:

  1. Type in > setx /m LG_WEBOS_TV_SDK_HOME "C:\YOUR_PATH\webOS_TV_SDK".

  2. Type in > setx /m WEBOS_CLI_TV "%LG_WEBOS_TV_SDK_HOME%\CLI\bin".

  3. Type in > setx /m PATH "%PATH%;%WEBOS_CLI_TV%".

Close command prompt.

Run the webOS TV CLI app on your computer and select Add.

Enter the info for your TV (give it a name, make sure the IP is correct, remember the password you give it and Select Y to save).

Click the Key Server button on the actual LG TV.

Because IDE is deprecated, type in “ares-novacom --device (name) --getkey” then input the passphrase from the TV.

Type in “ares-setup-device” again and modify your current TV to point to that SSH file now:

  1. Select SSH as the authentication method.

  2. Find the .ssh folder in your PC and find the file you just created for the LG TV.

  3. Type in the file name to “Enter ssh private key file name”.

  4. Enter the passphrase showing up on the actual LG TV again and save.

Type in “ares-setup-device —list” to make sure your TV is set to default before doing the .ipk install.

Download the .ipk file for the app you want to test.

Type “ares-install --(tv name) (path to .ipk file)”.

The app should now be installed on your TV and you can launch it from the home menu.

Visual Studio Code & WEBOS CLI

Assuming we did the steps above in the WebOS CLI section, we can now run the Visual Studio Code app without any errors.

Open the dev mode app on your TV and the Visual Studio Code app on your PC.

Search for WebOS TV in the extensions tab and install it.

Select WebOS TV in the left hand menu.

Click + on known device:

  1. Enter a name.

  2. Enter the TV’s IP address showing on the dev mode app.

  3. Set port as 9922 and hit enter.

  4. Leave SSH username as default and hit enter.

Right click the TV in the left side and click Set Up SSH Key then enter the passphrase from the TV displayed on the dev mode page.

Right click on the TV again and select “Install Application” - you’ll need to type out the path to the .ipk file you downloaded (ex. C:\Users\username\Downloads\teststagingapp.ipk).

Now click on the carot to the left of the TV to view the installed app.

Right click on the app name and click on “Run”.